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SSL.com Joins Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC)

On May 5, 2020, SSL.com joined the Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC), allowing us to make meaningful contributions to digital cloud signing standards.

Cloud Signature Consortium LogoOn May 5, 2020, SSL.com joined the Cloud Signature Consortium (CSC), a group of industry and academic organizations “committed to building a new standard for cloud-based digital signatures.” With the Executive-level membership, SSL.com will be able to contribute to the development of secure digital cloud signings in a very impactful way.

The CSC’s mission was initially defined by the need for cloud-based digital signing solutions that meet the highest-level requirements of the European Union’s Regulation on Identification and Trust Services (eIDAS). Its impact, however, is truly global in scope as technical and security requirements for digital signatures continue to become more rigorous worldwide.

PKI-based digital signatures provide assurances of authenticity, integrity, and legal non-repudiation that are not offered by simple electronic signatures such as an image of an ink signature or seal affixed to an electronic document. A valid digital signature provides assurances of the identity of the signatory, and that an electronic document has not been altered since it was signed. For this reason, digital signatures are afforded higher legal recognition than simple electronic signatures by the eIDAS and many other national regulations.

As an established issuer of Adobe- and Microsoft-trusted document signing certificates, SSL.com looks forward to working with other CSC members in contributing to the development of industry standards for cloud-based digital signatures. Look to SSL.com for continued development at the forefront of cloud signing innovation in the coming months and years.

About SSL.com:
Located in Houston, Texas, SSL.com is a global digital certificate provider trusted by all major browsers, a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), an approved PKI provider for the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR), a voting member of the global CA/Browser Forum (cabforum.org), and an approved North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) WEQ-12 CA and PKI Sub-Committee member. SSL.com offers SSL/TLS, code signing, document signing, email, and client authentication certificates to meet a wide range of personal and business needs. For more information on SSL.com, digital certificates, and document signing, please contact sales@SSL.com.

About the Cloud Signature Consortium:
The Cloud Signature Consortium is a group of industry and academic organizations committed to building a new standard for cloud-based digital signatures that will support web and mobile applications and comply with the most demanding electronic signature regulations in the world. Find out more at http://www.cloudsignatureconsortium.org.


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