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SSL.com Solutions For Host Partners

Expand product offerings while boosting revenues


SSL.com Host Partner Reseller Details



Take advantage of reseller pricing while leveraging the most advanced online ssl certificate management system. Expedite issuance and installation of ssl certificates by overseeing the validation process. Seamlessly integrate ssl.com certificates into your product line by integrating with SSL.com’s fully tested RESTful API.





hostingAs a hosting provider, your customers demand fast response times while expecting the highest value. SSL.com provides all of this and more to you and your customers. Don’t let ssl certificate acquisition and installation be the bottleneck.

Once you are approved as a SSL.com Host Partner Reseller Details, you gain full independence over the validation process to expedite the process flow so that your customers are up and running in no time. Since your organization handles the entire process, you’re customers can focus on what matters to them without the need to get involved with the ssl certificate process.

Maintaining and managing your customer’s ssl.com certificates require an advanced online management tool. With SSL.com’s ssl certificate management portal, you control who receives the certificates, receipts, and expiration reminders (or even when the reminders are sent). You also get advanced reporting and automated certificate processing in the event you need to have a certificate reissued or revoked.

In addition to advanced ssl certificate management, you get administrative level control capabilities over your customer’s SSL.com Smart SeaLs, Site Reports, and Smart SeaL Artifacts. As a SSL.com Host Partner Reseller Details, you get access to SSL.com’s patent pending automated Business Authentication Engine which makes the validation process for you and your customers effortless.

Becoming a SSL.com Host Partner Reseller Details is as easy as signing up and selecting a discounting tier to join. There are no commitments, quotas or contracts, and you have complete flexibility in selecting which ssl.com products you want to offer. Brand your own ssl certificate products through SSL.com landing pages or integrate ssl certificates into your product offering through SSL.com’s RESTful api.

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