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SSL.com Joins CA Security Council (CASC)

On May 15, 2020, SSL.com joined the CA Security Council, a group of CAs that work to promote best practices for digital certificates and internet security.

CASC LogoOn May 15, 2020, SSL.com joined the CA Security Council (CASC), a group of Certificate Authorities (CAs) that participate in the WebPKI and work to promote industry-wide best practices for digital certificates, SSL/TLS deployment, and internet security.

The CASC’s initiatives include promoting the validation of website owners’ identity through extended validation (EV) and organization validation (OV) SSL/TLS certificates, supporting universal visual trust indicators and display of validated identity information across all web browsers, and raising awareness of the importance of identity validation in other PKI-related aspects of digital security, such as code signing. As a leading provider of trusted identity services, SSL.com strongly supports the CASC’s mission of encouraging internet security through identity validation, and looks forward to working with the organization to raise awareness of the importance of this and other pressing internet security issues. 

More of the global workforce and commerce continues to move online every day, and knowing exactly who you are dealing with on the other end of your browser connection, software installer, signed document, or email message is at least as important as encryption for keeping sensitive information safe from cybercriminals. Through its work with the other CA members of the CASC, SSL.com hopes to promote the idea that an encrypted, identity-validated internet is a better internet.

About SSL.com
Located in Houston, Texas, SSL.com is a global digital certificate provider trusted by all major browsers, a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL), an approved PKI provider for the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR), a voting member of the global CA/Browser Forum, an executive member of the Cloud Signature Consortium, and an approved North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB) WEQ-12 CA and PKI Sub-Committee member. SSL.com offers SSL/TLS, code signing, document signing, email, and client authentication certificates to meet a wide range of personal and business needs. For more information on SSL.com, digital certificates, and document signing, please contact sales@SSL.com.

About the CA Security Council
The CA Security Council (CASC) is comprised of leading global Certificate Authorities that are committed to the exploration and promotion of best practices that advance trusted SSL deployment and CA operations as well as the security of the internet in general. For more information about the CASC, please visit https://casecurity.org/.


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