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SSL.com’s Root Certificates to Be Trusted by Upcoming Releases of Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome

SSL.com will now have its Root CA certificates incorporated into upcoming releases of widely used applications including Firefox and Chrome.

SSL.com, a public Certificate Authority already trusted by millions of users worldwide will now have its Root CA Certificates included in the world’s most popular browsers resulting in millions of additional users trusting the SSL.com brand. Four root certificates from SSL.com are being added into Mozilla’s NSS: SSL.com Root Certification Authority RSA (DV), SSL.com Root Certification Authority EC (DV), SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority RSA (EV), and SSL.com EV Root Certification Authority ECC (EV).

Mozilla’s Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of cryptographic libraries, APIs, utilities, and documentation that constitute a proven application security architecture. This architecture supports cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications, which power most of the Internet. Applications built with NSS include Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, OpenOffice, various Linux distributions, IoT devices, and many more. The NSS software crypto module has been validated three times for conformance to FIPS 140 at Security Levels 1 and 2, and has also passed the NISCC TLS/SSL and S/MIME test suites. Passing these tests insures world-wide compatibility for NSS compliant technologies.

“Our team has been working diligently to the highest standards to achieve this momentous milestone,” said SSL.com owner and president, Leo Grove.  “We are proud that this accomplishment will give purchasers of SSL/TLS, S/MIME, and other digital certificates both additional options and the confidence that their website, content, and communications can be secured quickly and affordably.”

Based in Houston, Texas, SSL.com has been increasing trust on the Internet by securing websites with cutting-edge digital certificates, accurate and rapid authentication services, and with its five-star customer service since 2002. SSL.com certificates are used by individuals, companies and organizations of all sizes in over 180 countries. Trust is what we do.

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