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SSL.com Joins Certificate Authority/Browser Forum as a Full Voting Member

SSL.com Joins Certificate Authority/Browser Forum as a Full Voting Member!

Houston, TX – August 16, 2017 – SSL.com, a public Certificate Authority trusted by millions of users worldwide, has become a full member of the Certificate Authority/Browser Forum (CA/Browser Forum).

The CA/Browser Forum is a voluntary group of certification authorities (CAs), Internet browser vendors and suppliers of other applications. Organized in 2005, the CA/Browser Forum addresses technical, policy and security issues related to digital certificates and maintains accepted standards by which all reputable certificate authorities operate, including the Baseline, Extended Validation and Network Security Requirements. In a rapidly evolving security landscape, the CA/Browser Forum works to provide meaningful assurance to website owners, software developers and the greater Internet community.

SSL.com joined the CA/B Forum as an Associate Member in October 2016. Now, with the successful completion of all WebTrust audits in July 2017, SSL.com is pleased to have been accepted as a full member on August 3rd, 2017.

With full membership, comes additional rights and responsibilities such as ballot voting and helping shape policies related to SSL/TLS and digital certificate adoption.

“We are very pleased to have SSL.com as our newest member of the CA/Browser Forum.  SSL.com has a great team which has already participated in the Forum for the past year and made a valuable contribution to improving SSL certificates and user security,” said Kirk Hall, current CA/Browser Forum Chair.  “We look forward to even greater participation by SSL.com as a full member in the coming years.”

Since 2002 SSL.com has been helping clients creating trust by securing client’s websites with cutting-edge digital certificates and five-star customer service. Based in Houston, Texas, SSL.com certificates are used in over 180 countries by individuals, companies and organizations of all sizes.

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