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Validation and Callback

Issuing a digital certificate is a carefully-structured process which includes you, the customer, providing pertinent information confirming your identity and choosing the validity period and assurance level of your certificate. As a publicly trusted Certificate Authority, reputable browsers and operating systems require us to validate your identity information before issuing the certificate you have ordered.   Depending on your needs and preferences, we can perform graduated degrees of validation. The certificates we issue include:  
  1. Domain validated (DV), such as our Basic SSL certificates.
  2. Organization validated (OV), such as our Multi-Domain or Wild-Card certificates.
  3. Extended validated (EV), such as our Enterprise EV SAN certificates.
A primary method to perform CA validations is over the phone. SSL.com’s customer account portal can provide you with a callback URL that you can click on your phone and our support agents will contact you. This process is mandatory for OV and EV certificates but you only need to perform this once.  Please note that we will only issue a callback URL for customers that have verified their contact details.

What is a QIIS?

A Qualified Independent Information Source (QIIS) is a publicly accessible database that is meant to correctly provide the information being asked of it. A QIIS is consistently up-to-date with the data that it contains. For these reasons, it is considered as a trustworthy source for valid information In order to successfully complete a call back, you will need to have an approved contact number provided for by any Qualified Independent Information Source that we have included in our list. If you are able to submit your approved number to our validation specialist, you can then perform a call back and complete the process of validating your certificate.
Note: Dun & Bradstreet and Google My Business are regarded as primary sources for a contact number because these two QIIS are highly reputable.
Note: In case that an independent source of your number does not appear on our list, you may provide a link to a listing that you do appear in to your validation contact for potential approval.

List of QIIS

For OV and EV Certificates

2GIS (https://www.2gis.ru)
Aiqicha ( https://aiqicha.baidu.com )
Apollo https://www.apollo.io/
Bloomberg Finance L.P. (www.bloomberg.com)
Crunchbase (https://www.crunchbase.com/)
Dun & Bradstreet (https://www.dnb.com/)
European Commission (https://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vieshome.do?selectedLanguage=EN) 
Google Maps/ My Business (https://www.google.com/maps) 
INFOEMPRESA SL (https://www.infoempresa.com)
Kompass (ch.kompass.com/en) (kompass.com/en)
Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) http://www.kuwaitchamber.org.kw/
Lursoft (lursoft.lv)
Manta (https://www.manta.com/)
MoneyHouse https://www.moneyhouse.ch/en/
Open Corporates (https://OpenCorporates.com)
Revaalo (https://revaalo.com/)
RocketReach.co (https://rocketreach.co/) 
SAM.gov (https://sam.gov/SAM/)
TaxBuzz (https://www.taxbuzz.com/)
The Media Zone Authority- Abu Dhabi (https://www.mzaabudhabi.ae/en/)
VIRK (https://virk.dk/)
Yell.com (https://www.yell.com/)
Zoom Information Inc. (zoominfo.com) 

Exclusively for EV Certificates

List of registration authorities

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